Welcome to the repair activity! Here you will test your knowledge of properly formatted HTML.
Your goal will be to turn this document into a valid and accessible HTML document. Goodluck!
Remember to:
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet pancetta jerky pork chop filet mignon shoulder. Rump pork belly tongue capicola turducken. Ball tip fatback cow turducken, meatball kielbasa ribeye flank corned beef hamburger strip steak spare ribs beef ribs swine. Beef ribs rump biltong, short loin tail beef t-bone.
Pancetta drumstick ribeye tongue andouille chuck bresaola leberkas sirloin. Ball tip salami biltong capicola ham hock tri-tip shoulder prosciutto t-bone pancetta pork belly. Cow ball tip beef ribs hamburger tri-tip bacon turducken pork belly sausage. Pig venison shankle, bresaola boudin pork chop meatloaf pork loin. Tongue pig ham chuck, brisket meatloaf jerky meatball.
Spare ribs strip steak ham, pork loin beef cow ribeye frankfurter turducken. Sausage turducken venison filet mignon. Andouille tenderloin prosciutto hamburger, cow salami bacon turducken corned beef strip steak fatback swine. Shankle corned beef kielbasa tail tri-tip. Shank short ribs pastrami cow meatloaf flank jerky filet mignon tenderloin capicola ham. Kielbasa tri-tip frankfurter strip steak bacon andouille brisket tenderloin ham hock filet mignon short loin short ribs jerky salami.
The Second Half
Keep in mind the following terms while dealing with your fellow techrangers:
Mexican Coke - Bottled coke from Mexico made with real sugar, only one dollar!
Docker - The tool we use to run our web applications locally
ServiceNow - Our ticketing system we use to track the requests we work on
Things I like to fly:
Object | Cost |
Airplanes | $100,000 |
Kites | $10 |
Mythical creatures with wings | Imagination |