Best Practices
No matter what your previous experience, odds are high that there are certain technologies or frameworks that we use at LS&T that you haven’t used before. And if you have used them before, we may have certain preferences, styles, or ways of using them that are different than yours. In order to keep our projects and code internally consistent, please read the relevant best practices before you start working on a project that uses them, and bookmark this page for future reference if you have any questions in the future.
The following sections are scheduled to be completed during the first half of 2024:
- Analytics
- Bug Reporting
- Code Security
- Coding Style (CSS, JavaScript, Python)
- Debugging Techniques
- Issue Tracking
- Project Design
- Project Specification
- Tool and Framework Selection (Tech Stack)
- Version Control
- Updating and Deploying to Production
Table of contents
- Accessibility
- Analytics
- Bug Reporting
- Code Security
- Coding Style
- Debugging Techniques
- Git Conventions
- Issue Tracking
- Project Design
- Project Specifications
- Tech Stack
- Updating and Deploying to Production
- Version Control