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Ticket Completion Process


This document outlines the process for handling and completing tickets within our system. Follow these steps to ensure all tickets are processed efficiently and accurately.

Notification System

  1. Check Emails: Regularly check Outlook for any emails about new tickets.
    • Disregard emails that pertain to course development, quality badges, and website updates. Those will usually be handled by the Techrangers.
    • If it pertains to your project, open it and handle it accordingly.

Determine Ticket Ownership

  1. Identify Ticket Ownership:
    • If the ticket belongs to your project, start working on it ASAP.
    • Otherwise, ensure that the party that is responsible for the ticket is aware of it.

Ticket Analysis

  1. Analyze the Ticket:
    • Client ticket descriptions can sometimes be ambigiuous and hard to replicate. Ensure that you understand what the ticket is asking you to do, and contact Webcourses Support if you would like some more clarification.

Initial Response

  1. Respond to the Ticket:
    • Assign yourself to the ticket, and be sure to complete the issue promptly. The usual “timer” for tickets is about 3 days, and it is expected that they be completed within that range.


  1. Communicate:
    • If a solution requires you to communicate with a faculty member or Webcourses Support to ensure that the desired effect has been achieved, then be sure to ask Webcourses Support for an extension on the “timer”, as this isn’t really an issue on your part.

Documentation and Review

  1. Document the Solution:
    • Record the steps taken to resolve the issue.
    • Update any relevant documentation or knowledge bases.
  2. Review the Ticket:
    • Have a peer review the resolution to ensure completeness and accuracy.
    • Make any necessary adjustments based on the review.


  1. Close the Ticket:
    • Inform the requester of the resolution so that they ensure it solves the problem they were having. If it does, then they will close the issue on their end.


By following these steps, we ensure that all tickets are handled promptly and effectively, maintaining a high standard of service and support.

Reviewer Acknowledgment

Special thanks to Daniel Gawne and Emanuel Cortes Lugo for their assistance in outlining this process.