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In this page, you will start from the ground up building your web design skills and learning Section 508 and standards compliance. This will give you the foundation as a Techranger to create properly formatted web documents, which is a required skill for completing Course Development Requests. Keep an open mind while going through this content, as some of it will be a review and some of it will be totally new. We are serious about our standards, and this is a chance for you to rebuild your skills on a clean slate.

Online Courses

The training content for this page is in LinkedIn Learning. It is free for students and staff to use, but you must log in with the correct account. Sign out of your personal LinkedIn Learning account (if applicable), and use your NID and NID password at the LinkedIn Learning SSO page.

Complete the following online courses. You may find it helpful to use CodePen to practice what you’re learning. (Note: Check out the CSS Activity ahead of time if you’re interested in skipping the CSS training)

  1. Learn HTML with LinkedIn Learning
  2. Learn CSS with LinkedIn Learning

Contact your trainer when you have completed both courses.