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Office Presence Spreadsheet

In addition to setting your schedule in Outlook, you also need to add your schedule to the Office Presence Spreadsheet, located in Teams. This document is used to determine which days and times you will be in the office, and ensure that full-timers are available in the office to supervise and mentor Techrangers.

Locate and Open the Spreadsheet

  1. In Teams, go to the “UCFTeam-DDL-CDL-LST” team.
  2. Select the “General” channel
  3. Go to the “Office Presence” tab
    • Alternatively, go to the “Files” tab and open the file called “Office Presence.xlsx”.

Sheet Description

There are several worksheet pages in this document. The first five pages each represent a day of the work week, Monday through Friday. These pages are where you will be making changes. The other pages are only for administration and reference - do not edit them.

The leftmost “Staff” column contains a list of all staff at LS&T. There is also a row called “Office Covered”. Do not edit this row. All staff above this row are full-timers. All staff below this row are Techrangers. Look for your name in the “Staff” column. If it does not appear, create a new row with your name. If it does appear, ensure it doesn’t belong to another member of LS&T before editing the row.

The three rightmost columns are related to your total number of hours as compared to on-site (in-office) hours. “Total Hours” represents the total number of hours you work on that given day. For example, if you are a Techranger who works a three hour block in the morning and a two and a half hour block in the afternoon, you should edit your row in the “Total Hours” column to the number 5.5. On days you are not working, set “Total Hours” to 0. The “On-Site Hours” and “% Hours On-Site” columns are generated automatically. Do not edit them.

Along the top are 30-minute time blocks listed by their start time. For example, the column labeled “5:30” represents the period from 5:30pm to 6pm. For every 30-minute period that you are working on-site, even if you only work for 5 minutes of the period, set the corresponding cell in your row to TRUE by using the built-in drop down menu. If you are working remotely during a period, leave it blank. If you are not working during that period, leave it blank. If you are a full-timer, set your lunch period as LUNCH for days you will be in the office. Leave lunch periods on remote days blank. If you are a Techranger, you do not need to indicate your lunch period.

Repeat the above process for every week day on the respective page. When complete, verify that the values in the “On-Site Hours” and “% Hours On-Site” appear correct. Inform your supervisor and trainer when you have completed this step.