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Accessibility Evaluation Report

Accessibility/Section 508 Compliance is an important and complex issue. This section includes readings from WebAIM to help you internalize and remember all the techniques for creating an accessible site.

First, read the Introduction to Web Accessibility

Applications Assessment

Open a browser with your personal site (i.e.: portfolio used when applying for the Techranger position or another site you have made) on one monitor and the readings on the other. As you read through the concepts and techniques, evaluate the accessibility of your site and record your findings. Create a report listing the compliance issues and the techniques used to solve each issue. Include the URL of the site you evaluate in the report. You do not have to fix your site at this time.

  1. Complete the Dyslexia Simulation and Color Blindness Simulator.
    • What were your expectations on how people with disabilities experience the Web?
    • How did they change after this activity?
    • Did you make any discoveries during the activity?
    • What was your biggest challenge?
    • How would you apply this when designing your site?
  2. Read the following articles and begin evaluating the accessibility of your site. Record your findings in your report.
  3. Continue evaluating the accessibility of your site by using the Color Oracle tool. This will let you experience your site as a person with color deficiencies. In your report, record your findings as to the accessibility of your site in terms of color choice.  Additionally, you can use Contrast-A or the WCAG Contrast Checker to evaluate other color combinations.
  4. Read through all the articles under the HTML, ARIA, and CSS Accessibility heading, except the one for Dreamweaver. Compare and evaluate each issue on your site and determine if you need to address it. Record specific techniques you need to use to make your site accessible. Take special note to the article about semantics.
  5. Email your completed report to your trainer.