Setting Up Slack
While your Outlook email is important for many aspects of your work, the Techrangers main team communication happens on Slack.
Slack Invite
You should already have an invite to the UCFCDL team in your Outlook inbox. If not, reach out to the team and ask for an invite now (email to request an invite).
Getting Started
Check if you already have Slack installed (Press Command+Space and type “Slack” to see if the Application appears). If so, open it and proceed to the “Get Familiar” section. If not, download Slack for Mac and follow Option 3 in installing software on MacOS
Get familiar
If you’re new to Slack, we recommend a quick look at Slack’s Getting started for new members guide.
Set Up Your Slack Profile
- Upload a photo or avatar
- Use your preferred first and name
- Set your various profile facts
Join Channels
We try to set you up with a good starter set of channels, but you may wish to look around and subscribe to a few more.
Be mindful of your notification settings. Subscribe to what’s important and ignore what isn’t.
Say Hello
Take a moment to say hi, introduce yourself to the team. Here’s a few icebreakers we ask everyone.
- Start with “\@channel Hello everyone!” in #lst-all
- Describe a favorite project.
- What are your hobbies?
- Tell us a few of your favorite topics to chat or debate.
- Is there something interesting or unique about you that you’d like to share?
Asking for Help
Feel free to ask any questions you may have specifically about the training in the #training channel. Be sure to \@channel if you’re stuck and need a response sooner than later.